Thursday, August 2, 2012

Eukaryote: insects (roly-poly, fly)

These specimens are a roly-poly and a fly. I found these specimen in front of my house.
They relate to eukaryotes because they are insects and insect cells are eukaryotic. Eukaryotes are any of the single-celled or muticellular organisms whose cell contains a distinct, membrane-bound nucleus.

Detritovore: snails

This specimen is a snail. I found this specimen outside of my house stuck to the wall. Snail is related to a detritovore because snails consume dead organic matter. A detritovore is an organism that feeds on detritus.

Hermaphrodite: snails

This specimen is a snail. I found this specimen in front of my house. A snail relates to a hermaphrodite because it has both male and female reproductive organs. Hermaphrodite is an organism that has reproductive organs normally associated with both male and female sexes.

Pollinator: bees

This specimen is a bee. I found this specimen on the floor of my apartment. 
A bee is related to pollinator because bees travel from flower to flower, collecting nectar and pollen grains. Pollinator is the biotic agent that moves pollen from the male anthers of a flower to the female stigma of a flower to accomplish fertilization.

Protein: egg whites

This specimen is egg white. I found this specimen in my refrigerator. 
The egg white is related to protein because egg whites contain 10% protein. Protein is any group of complex organic macromolecules that contain carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen and are composed of one or more chains of amino acids.

Sporophyte: pine trees

This specimen is a pine tree. I found this specimen in front of my house. A pine tree is related
to a sporophyte because it has roots, stems and leaves. Sporophyte is the spore-producing phase in the life cycle of a plant that exhibits alternation of generations.

Xylem: tree rings

This specimen is a tree ring. I found this specimen in front of my house. A tree ring relates to a xylem  because xylem tissues transport water and nutrients from the roots of the tree and after the vascular cylinder is formed, a tree's first ring will appear. A xylem is one of the two types of transport tissue in vascular plants.

Phloem: tree bark

This specimen js a tree bark. I found this specimen in front of my house. A tree bark is related to a phloem because the bark contains a phloem. A phloem is the innermost layer of the bark.

K-strategist: cats

This specimen is a cat. I found this specimen at the pet store on western and 5th. Cats are related to k-strategists because cats live in a stable environment and they reproduce quickly and rapidly reach the habitats carrying capacity. K-strategists live in a stable environment which is not seriously affected by sudden, unpredictable effects. (K-strategist is near the carrying capacity K.)

Animals with segmented body: crabs

This specimen is a crab. I found this specimen at a Korean market. A crab is related to animals with segmented bodies because their limbs,appendages, and body are all made of segments which are covered with an outer shell like substances called chitin that covers the animal and is its exoskeleton. Animals with segmented body is when the body is divided into several segments.

Flower ovary: middle of flower

This specimen is the middle part of the flower. I found this specimen on western and 7th. The middle of the flower relates to the flower ovary because it is made up of the filament and anther which is the pollen producing part of the flower; the flower ovary. The flower ovary is a part of e female reproductive organ of the flower.

Heterotroph: humans

This specimen is a human(me). I found this specimen in my moms stomach. Humans are related to heterotrophs because they are consumers. Heterotroph is an organism that cannot fix carbon and uses organic carbon for growth.

C4 plant: corn

This specimen is corn. I found this specimen at Ralphs. Corn is related to a C4 plant because they are well adapted to and likely to be found in high daytime temperatures. C4 plant is a plant in which the CO2 is first fixed into a compound containing four carbon atoms before entering the Calvin cycle of photosynthesis.

CAM plant: pineapples

This specimen is pineapples. I found this specimen at Ralphs and at a Korean market. Pineapples relate to a CAM plant because they open their stomata at night for CO2 uptake and closes them during the day. CAM plant is a plant that utilizes the CAM as an adaptation fornarid conditions.

Pollen: tulips

This specimen is a tulip. I found this specimen at Ralphs. Tulips are related to pollen because bees get pollen from flowers such as tulips to help them reproduce. Pollen is a fine coarse powder containing the microgametophytes of  seed plants, which produce the male gametes.

Vascular plant: sunflower, trees

This specimen is a sunflower and a tree. I found the sunflower at Ralphs and found the tree at the Santa Monica pier. Both sunflower and tree relate to a vascular plant because they have a tubing system to transport water around the plant. Vascular plants are those that have a system for circulating fluids through roots, stems and leaves. 

Tropism: sunflower (phototropism)

This specimen is a sunflower. I found this specimen at Ralphs. Sunflower relates to tropism because the sunflower rotates it's head by the position of the sun. Tropism is the tendency of an organism to turn or move toward or away from some stimulus. 

Dicot plant with flower & leaf: roses

This specimen is a rose. The specimen was found at Ralphs. It's related to the term because the rose is a dicot plant. A dicot plant is a flowering plant with two embryonic seed leaves or cotyledons that usually appears at germination. A dicot plant usually has four or five petals or flower parts.

Hydrophilic: salt

This specimens salt. I found is specimen in my kitchen. Salt relates to hydrophilic because salt is very attracted to water. Hydrophilic molecules have an affinity for water. They are capable of interacting with water through hydrogen bonding.

Hydrophobic: oil

This specimen is oil. I found this specimen in my kitchen. Oil relates to hydrophobic because some of the hydrophobic molecules are fats, oils, alliances, and any greasy substances. Hydrophobic molecules lack affinity for water and they are non-polar.

Introduced species: goldfish

This specimen is a goldfish. I found this specimen at the pet store on western and 5th. Goldfish relates to introduced species because goldfishes do not remember where they have been introduced to. Introduced species is a species that does not occur naturally in a given area, though it has been introduced to it.

ATP: trees

This specimen is a tree. I found this specimen at the Santa Monica pier. A tree relates to ATP because  ATP gives out chemical energy to support the growth of a tree. ATP (adenosine triphosphate) is an organic compound composed of adenosine and three phosphate groups.

Epithelial tissue: skin

This specimen is skin. I found this specimen on my arm. Skin relates to epithelial tissue because the epithelial tissue cover the interior and exterior part of our skin. Epithelial tissue is one of the four major tissue types in the body, acting as an interfere between the body and the rest of the world.

Cellulose: paper

This specimen is a paper. I found this specimen in my notebook. Paper relates to cellulose because cellulose produces paper by long fibers of cellulose. Cellulose is a fibrous carbohydrate and is the main structural material of the cell walls of plants.

Autotrophs: plants

This specimen is a plant. I found this specimen at the bus stop on Wiltshire and Crenshaw. It relates to the term autotroph because it can produce its own food. An autotroph is an organism capable of synthesizing its own food from inorganic substances, using light or chemical energy.